Support Pride
We cannot deliver Channel Islands Pride without the support of our generous sponsors and suppliers, but also without the support of the community. To make CI Pride successful, we need everyone who attends to donate if they can. If everyone who attended Pride donated £5, we could cover half of the annual running costs for Liberate, the local grassroots LGBTQ+ charity that brings you Pride, and Liberate could become less reliant on grants. Liberate and Channel Islands Pride need your support!
Please consider making a small donation (the price of a coffee, a sandwich, a beer) in exchange for a fun, free day of love and entertainment.
Donate now
We need your support
A huge amount of progress has been made for the LGBTQ+ community in the Channel Islands and globally. But the reality is, the struggle is far from over. Around the world (and here at home), marginalised people face violence and discrimination on a daily basis. Members of the LGBTQ+ community face challenges and stigmas, from the simple gesture of not being able to kiss their loved ones in public to the possibility of being put to death for who they are in some countries. We still have to come out to our friends, colleagues, and family, and sometimes even just being able to walk down the street as who we truly are is dangerous. This is why the fight for equal rights is not over, and the basic human right of not being discriminated against by systems and institutions is still being fought for. Pride was a protest in 1972, and it is still a protest today, as well as a celebration of how far we have come.
Channel Islands Pride is Guernsey’s largest free public event. It is organised by the community, for the community. Pride is a platform for all voices. Whatever your identity, Pride is for you. Pride is here to celebrate you and to encourage you to be proud of who you are. But, Pride cannot happen without your support. So, whether you come to Pride to celebrate, demonstrate, or party, it’s only free thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and the kindness of donations from those who march with us.