Channel Islands Pride is here for everyone and we are committed to making it accessible and comfortable for all. Let us know if you have any questions or specific access requests and we’ll do all we can to make your Pride experience the best it can be. Our volunteers will be at hand to offer assistance to the public should it be needed – look out for the pink high vis jackets!Â

Usual parking spaces will be suspended and made available exclusively for Blue Badge holders near the bottom of Candie Road. Public Parking is available at the Odeon car park, at North Beach, Crown Pier, Albert Pier, Salerie Corner, near the Model Yacht Pond on Castle Pier, and within any on-street parking areas such as Candie Road or on the South Esplanade. These options require a walk of up to 30 minutes to Candie Gardens, or up to 15 minutes to Market Square. For more information on Accessibility in Guernsey please visit: Visit Guernsey – Accessibility In Guernsey
Gathering in Candie Gardens
Candie Gardens is in the heart of St Peter Port and has tarmac paths, paved areas, and lawn spaces. With thousands of Pride-goers it can get quite crowded in places. It can feel busy and potentially claustrophobic when gathering for the start of the Pride march. It will be possible to find a quieter spot in Candie Gardens, or you could aim to start at any point in the parade route to view and/or join the Parade as it passes.
Pride March
We will have an accessible part of the march and an accessible vehicle available, so please get in touch if you’d like more details – or The march will be moving at a relaxed pace but certain areas are cobbled and uneven. If you would like one of our access volunteers to accompany you on the march, please contact us in advance or flag one of our volunteers down. The Guernsey Disability Alliance will be helping us out on the day!Â
The route is about 750m and at an average, usual walking pace would take about 10 minutes. However, because it is slow moving and stops at a number of points, Pride-goers should consider that it may take up to 45 minutes to arrive at Market Square from Candie Gardens.Â
Channel Islands Pride is noisy and is usually attended by thousands of people who are in close proximity. Please bear this in mind, and take your usual precautionary steps for mitigating the effects of an environment like this.
The first part of the parade travels down Candie Gardens. This is on an old pedestrianised park path on a downwards incline, which is steep and unleveled at parts. This has sufficient space for wheelchair access, but may prove difficult terrain for wheelchair users. There is a pavement on the adjacent road which can be used as a less-crowded alternative that is narrow and steep, and may not be suitable for all wheelchair types.
There will be a rolling roadblock in place to cross the road from Candie to St Ann’s Place. There will be temporary road closures to allow the parade to move past, before it joins Smith Street and the High Street. Marchers will carry the 50m Rainbow Flag and the 50m Identity Flag. If you would prefer not to carry the flag, or to be underneath it then you can parade in front of or behind the flags. The march moves down Smith Street – a steep hill – before travelling along the cobbled high-street and up past Town Church (this would be a great place for anyone to wait if they want to join the march for when it enters Market Square). Once the Parade reaches the ‘Rainbow Steps’, there is a ramp to get to Market Square. It gets very busy at the bottle neck please be patient.
Pride in Market Square
Areas of the flooring at and around Market Square are cobbled and uneven – please speak to our access volunteer team with any queries or if you need any assistance. At Market Square there will be an accessible area at the front of the stage and a no-alcohol zone. Initially when we arrive in Market Square this will be reserved for the ‘Pride Brides wedding guests and for people with disabilities. See the Map for more information. There will be an accessible toilet near the Land of Green Ginger in the family area, as well as the one located in the Market Building and the RADAR access toilet located next to the Guille-Allès Library. Performances on the main stage will be signed by BSL (British Sign Language) signer Andy Higgins – if you attended Channel Islands Pride in Jersey in 2023 then you’ll remember Andy!Â
Quiet Zone
There will be a Quiet Zone which will be operated by Action for Children in the Chamber of Commerce, inside the Market Buildings, for anybody with neurodivergence or if you need to get away from the crowd. Come directly through the entrance to the Market where the Silent Disco is and the door to the Chamber of Commerce is opposite you (very slightly to the right).
Ear defenders and ear plugs are available from the Quiet Zone on request. There will be colouring activities, tipi’s that our small friends can hide away in and chance to relax in a quiet and calm environment.Â
First aid is provided by St John Ambulance and is situated near the Rainbow Steps.
Many of our volunteers are mental health first aiders and they will be available should anybody require them.
General help and assistance is available across our events for a variety of needs. These can be accessed by speaking with anyone from the Liberate team, the Pride merchandise stall, the Youth Commission staff in the Family Zone, the Action for Children folks in the Quiet Zone or one of our volunteers wearing a pink high vis jacket.